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API.h File Reference
#include "Common.h"

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typedef struct ShapeOpSolver ShapeOpSolver
 C structure that containts the C++ ShapeOp solver.


SHAPEOP_API ShapeOpSolvershapeop_create ()
 Create the ShapeOp solver. For more details see ShapeOp::Solver.
SHAPEOP_API void shapeop_delete (ShapeOpSolver *op)
 Delete the ShapeOp solver. For more details see ShapeOp::Solver.
SHAPEOP_API int shapeop_init (ShapeOpSolver *op)
 Initialize the ShapeOp solver for static geometry processing. For more details see ShapeOp::Solver.
SHAPEOP_API int shapeop_initDynamic (ShapeOpSolver *op, ShapeOpScalar masses, ShapeOpScalar damping, ShapeOpScalar timestep)
 Initialize the ShapeOp solver for dynamic geometry processing. For more details see ShapeOp::Solver.
SHAPEOP_API int shapeop_solve (ShapeOpSolver *op, unsigned int iteration)
 Run the optimization. For more details see ShapeOp::Solver.
SHAPEOP_API void shapeop_setPoints (ShapeOpSolver *op, ShapeOpScalar *points, int nb_points)
 Set the vertices to the ShapeOp solver. For more details see ShapeOp::Solver.
SHAPEOP_API void shapeop_getPoints (ShapeOpSolver *op, ShapeOpScalar *points, int nb_points)
 Get the vertices back from the ShapeOp solver. For more details see ShapeOp::Solver.
SHAPEOP_API void shapeop_setTimeStep (ShapeOpSolver *op, ShapeOpScalar timestep)
 Set the timestep of the ShapeOp solver. For more details see ShapeOp::Solver.
SHAPEOP_API void shapeop_setDamping (ShapeOpSolver *op, ShapeOpScalar damping)
 Set the damping of the ShapeOp solver. For more details see ShapeOp::Solver.
SHAPEOP_API ShapeOpScalar shapeop_getConstraintError (ShapeOpSolver *op, int constraint_id)
 Run the optimization. For more details see ShapeOp::Solver.
SHAPEOP_API int shapeop_addEdgeStrainConstraint (ShapeOpSolver *op, int id1, int id2, ShapeOpScalar weight)
 Add an edge strain constraint to the ShapeOp solver. For more details see ShapeOp::EdgeStrainConstraint.
SHAPEOP_API void shapeop_editEdgeStrainConstraint (ShapeOpSolver *op, int constraint_id, ShapeOpScalar length)
 Edit an edge strain constraint previously added to the ShapeOp solver. For more details see ShapeOp::EdgeStrainConstraint.
SHAPEOP_API int shapeop_addTriangleStrainConstraint (ShapeOpSolver *op, int id1, int id2, int id3, ShapeOpScalar weight)
 Add a triangle strain constraint to the ShapeOp solver. For more details see ShapeOp::TriangleStrainConstraint.
SHAPEOP_API int shapeop_addTetrahedronStrainConstraint (ShapeOpSolver *op, int id1, int id2, int id3, int id4, ShapeOpScalar weight)
 Add a tetrahedron strain constraint to the ShapeOp solver. For more details see ShapeOp::TetrahedronStrainConstraint.
SHAPEOP_API int shapeop_addAreaConstraint (ShapeOpSolver *op, int id1, int id2, int id3, ShapeOpScalar weight)
 Add an area constraint to the ShapeOp solver. For more details see ShapeOp::AreaConstraint.
SHAPEOP_API int shapeop_addVolumeConstraint (ShapeOpSolver *op, int id1, int id2, int id3, int id4, ShapeOpScalar weight)
 Add a volume constraint to the ShapeOp solver. For more details see ShapeOp::VolumeConstraint.
SHAPEOP_API int shapeop_addBendingConstraint (ShapeOpSolver *op, int *ids, int nb_ids, ShapeOpScalar weight)
 Add a bending constraint to the ShapeOp solver. For more details see ShapeOp::BendingConstraint.
SHAPEOP_API int shapeop_addClosenessConstraint (ShapeOpSolver *op, int id, ShapeOpScalar weight)
 Add a closeness constraint to the ShapeOp solver. For more details see ShapeOp::ClosenessConstraint.
SHAPEOP_API void shapeop_editClosenessConstraint (ShapeOpSolver *op, int constraint_id, ShapeOpScalar *point)
 Edit a closeness constraint previously added to the ShapeOp solver. For more details see ShapeOp::ClosenessConstraint.
SHAPEOP_API int shapeop_addLineConstraint (ShapeOpSolver *op, int *ids, int nb_ids, ShapeOpScalar weight)
 Add a line constraint to the ShapeOp solver. For more details see ShapeOp::LineConstraint.
SHAPEOP_API int shapeop_addPlaneConstraint (ShapeOpSolver *op, int *ids, int nb_ids, ShapeOpScalar weight)
 Add a plane constraint to the ShapeOp solver. For more details see ShapeOp::PlaneConstraint.
SHAPEOP_API int shapeop_addCircleConstraint (ShapeOpSolver *op, int *ids, int nb_ids, ShapeOpScalar weight)
 Add a circle constraint to the ShapeOp solver. For more details see ShapeOp::CircleConstraint.
SHAPEOP_API int shapeop_addSphereConstraint (ShapeOpSolver *op, int *ids, int nb_ids, ShapeOpScalar weight)
 Add a sphere constraint to the ShapeOp solver. For more details see ShapeOp::SphereConstraint.
SHAPEOP_API int shapeop_addUniformLaplacianConstraint (ShapeOpSolver *op, int *ids, int nb_ids, int displacement_lap, ShapeOpScalar weight)
 Add a uniform laplacian constraint to the ShapeOp solver. For more details see ShapeOp::UniformLaplacianConstraint.
SHAPEOP_API int shapeop_addGravityForce (ShapeOpSolver *op, ShapeOpScalar *force)
 Add a gravity force to the ShapeOp solver. For more details see ShapeOp::GravityForce.
SHAPEOP_API int shapeop_addVertexForce (ShapeOpSolver *op, ShapeOpScalar *force, int id)
 Add a vertex force to the ShapeOp solver. For more details see ShapeOp::VertexForce.
SHAPEOP_API void shapeop_editVertexForce (ShapeOpSolver *op, int force_id, ShapeOpScalar *force, int id)
 Edit a vertex force previously added to the ShapeOp solver. For more details see ShapeOp::VertexForce.

Detailed Description

This file implements a C API for the ShapeOp C++ library.

To use the library you need to:

1) Create the solver with shapeop_create

2) Set the vertices with shapeop_setPoints

3) Setup the constraints and forces

4) Initalize the solver with shapeop_init or shapeop_initDynamic

5) Optimize with shapeop_solve

6) Get back the vertices with shapeop_getPoints

7) Delete the solver with shapeop_delete