ShapeOp  0.1.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NShapeOpNamespace of the ShapeOp library
 CAngleConstraintAngle range constraint. Constrains the angle between the two lines formed by three points to a range. See [3] for more details
 CAreaConstraintArea constraint. Limits the area of a triangle to a range. See [2] for more details
 CBendingConstraintBending constraint. Limits the bending between two neighboring triangles. See [2] for more details
 CCGSolverSparse linear system solver based on CG. This class implements a sparse linear system solver based on the CG algorithm from Eigen
 CCircleConstraintCircle constraint. Constrains a set of vertices to lie on the same circle. See [1] for more details
 CClosenessConstraintCloseness constraint. Constrains a vertex to a position in space. Projects onto a given rest position
 CConstraintBase class of any constraints. This class defines the interface of a ShapeOp constraint
 CEdgeStrainConstraintEdge strain constraint. Constrains the distance between two points to a range. See [2] for more details
 CForceBase class of any forces. This class defines interface of a ShapeOp force
 CGravityForceThis class defines a constant force for all vertices
 CLineConstraintLine constraint. Constrains a set of vertices to lie on the same line. See [1] for more details
 CLSSolverBase class of any sparse linear system solver. This class defines the main functionalities of the ShapeOp sparse linear system solvers (Ax = b)
 CMINRESSolverSparse linear system solver based on MINRES. This class implements a sparse linear system solver based on the MINRES algorithm from Eigen
 CParallelogramConstraintParallelogramConstraint constraint. Constrains the four vertices of a quad to be a parallelogram. See [1] for more details
 CPlaneConstraintPlane constraint. Constrains a set of vertices to lie on the same plane. See [1] for more details
 CRectangleConstraintRectangle constraint. Constrains the four vertices of a quad to be a rectangle. See [1] for more details
 CSimilarityConstraintSimilarity or Rigid constraint. Perserves the relative location of a set of vertices. See [1] for more details
 CSimplicialLDLTSolverSparse linear system solver based on Cholesky. This class implements a sparse linear system solver based on the Cholesky LDL^T algorithm from Eigen
 CSolverShapeOp Solver. This class implements the main ShapeOp solver based on [1] and [2]
 CSORSolverSparse linear system solver based on successive over-relaxation (SOR)
 CSphereConstraintSphere constraint. Constrains a set of vertices to lie on a sphere. See [1] for more details
 CTetrahedronStrainConstraintA mesh-independent tetrahedron strain-limiting constraint. See [2] for more details
 CTriangleStrainConstraintA mesh-independent triangle strain-limiting constraint. See [2] for more details
 CUniformLaplacianConstraintUniform Laplacian Constraint. Minimizes the uniform laplacian respectively the uniform laplacian of displacements
 CVertexForceThis class defines a constant force for a unique vertex
 CVolumeConstraintVolume constraint. Limits the volume of a tetrahedron to a range. See [2] for more details
 CShapeOpSolverC structure that containts the C++ ShapeOp solver